Information Center
Page Updated on: 05/18/2022
2K Classic (left) / Pair 2K-4 (center) / 3K-A (right)
*** DANGER ***
RF Amplifiers Have Lethal HIGH VOLTAGE Inside
About This Web Site:
The information contained on this web site is a FREE knowledge exchange for older Henry vacuum tube RF amplifiers. All information listed is an accumulation of lessons learned by multiple different individuals when modificating or repairing their Henry RF amplifiers. There is no guarantee the information is error free, so utilize it as reference only. Perform all modifications and repairs to your equipment at your own risk. If you have additional information on Henry RF amplifiers which you would like to share with others, email
mayo(at)ne7x(dot)combob@n3xkb.com and I will add your information to this web site.
3KD Premier again Henry 2K-3 3K PSU Schematics
3K RF deck Schematics
From VY2NXHenry 3K Classic and Classic X with 8877 from W0ARM SS750_SS1200 Henry 3K-A
from W0ARM
CAUTION when using or referencing original factory Henry Radio schematics.
The schematics are known to have wiring errors.
Double check wiring against other designs and do not assume the Henry Radio schematic is 100% correct.
EXAMPLE: The 2K-Classis schematic shows BIAS zener 'D1' in backwards.
Henry Radio RF Amplifier Model Numbers and Specifications
Past ARRL QST Magazine Product Review Articles
Henry Radio; 2-K Linear Amplifier; Jun 1965
Henry Radio; 2K Ultra Amplifier; Jun 1972
Henry Radio; 2K-2 Linear Amplifier; Nov 1967
Henry Radio; 2K-4 Amplifier; May 1974
Place Holder 2K-4 RF Output Video Place Holder 3K Ultra RF Output Video Place Holder 3CX10000A7 Video ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Amplifier RF Output Tuning Procedure
By: NE7X
SWR Match Between Transceiver Output & Amplifier RF Input
By: NE7X
Internal RF Deck Chassis Removal
Pedestal Cabinets
By: NE7X
Modifications / Upgrades:
Metering Circuit and HV Protection Upgrades
By: NE7X
Information about Tear-Drop meter replacement
By: NE7X
Henry 5K Classic
Blower Fan Mod
by: K7EM
2K-4 / 3KA / 2K Classis
By: NE7X
Henry 2K-Classic 10 Meter Modification
Henry 2K Classic X Conversion to 5K
By: Fred KC5RT (For: WS0B)
QSK Modifications:
By: K7EM
By: NE7X
By: NE7X
By: NE7X
SEQ-QSK Sequencer & Vacuum Relay Issues/Fixes
By: NE7X
Troubleshooting / Repairs:
By: Henry Radio
Blower Fan Replacement - Henry 2K-4
Blower Fan Replacement - Henry 5K
By: K7EM
HV Drops to Zero when Amplifier is Keyed
By: NE7X
By: NE7X
By: NE7X
By: NE7X
300ma Plate Current When HV is Applied, No Drive
By: K2MF
AC Breaker/Fuses Blow When Powered ON
By: AA7A
Ip & RF Output Slowly Increases After Amplifier is Keyed
By: NE7X
RF Amplifier Parts:
The Medallion shape of the MM-series by Jewell Instruments is a close design substitute
for the original Tear Drop design by Parker from the 1960s.
http://www.jewellinstruments.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Jewell-MM-Series.pdfFor Henry amplifier restorers, this is an option when desiring to retain design aspects
of these original Henry classics.
Non-Henry RF Amplifier Information:
External QSK interface that can be connected to any vacuum tube RF amplifier
By: NE7X
Ameritron AL1200 QSK Modification
By: W2NO
RF Amplifier Technical Web Site
By: W8JI
Inexpensive way to increase the switching time for slower mechanical T/R relays
By: K6KK
By: AG6K
RF Vacuum Tubes:
By: NE7X
Web Page Editorial:
Henry RF amplifiers maybe big (34" tall), heavy (150+ #s) and old (1960-1990s), however high power RF amplifier technology has not changed much over the years. Transistor RF amplifiers are becoming smaller and more reliable, however most are not built to commercial continuous duty-cycle specifications like Henry RF amplifiers are. Plus newer solid-state RF amplifiers can be 4X the cost over an older gently used Henry RF amplifier.
Henry RF amplifiers are very easy to work on with lots of room to get your hands and tools inside, and parts are still available and affordable. A well maintained Henry RF amplifier will still be around putting RF output and breaking DX pile-ups long after I become a SK.
Some hams may say "dip-n-loading the plate Ip is a pain," however I find this a feature. Having a pi-output network allows me to bring the RF amplifier to maximum RF output resonance when the antenna is a few Z-ohms off. Unlike a transistor solid-state RF output circuit, an adjustable pi-output circuit allows for maximum transfer of RF power while tolerating a higher SWR.
There is also the "Fun Factor" in owning and operating a Henry RF Amplifier. The thrill of receiving a signal report and comments from the stations you are in QSO with, "You are the loudest signal on the band!" Or the impressive looks and comments you receive by visitors to your shack when they see the heavy metal Henry RF Amplifier sitting next to your operating desk. Just look the the picture at the top of this webpage. Having that "BIG GUN" shack appearance is worth another 10dB !
Personally I prefer Henry RF Amplifiers with 3-500Z type tubes. The 3-500Z tube in my opinion is: very durable, will tolerate abuse (miss-tuning), relatively available and easy to obtain, instance-on, a pair provides full-legal-limit RF output and best of all, has the best "Power-To-Dollar" value ratio. Having multiple Henry RF amplifiers all using the same type of RF tube allows me to only need to stock one type of tube for inventory spares.
I have received emails asking me to repair a Henry amplifier if its shipped or delivered to me. At this time I have to decline. I am still working full time for a living and have many personal commitments consuming my time. However if you have a particular issue or question, I will gladly respond to all emails and provide some suggestions what you can try doing to resolve the issue yourself. Once you have the issue resolved, I would appreciate a return email informing me what the final solution was.
So whatever your manufacturing choice is in RF amplifiers, tubes or transistors, life is too short for QRP! Enjoy the hobby & happy DXing.
73s Thomas NE7X
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